We had a great time on the river today! We traveled seven miles down river and had an awesome time. God is sooo good that He provided a rope for us to swing out into the river. Ms. Carol and I even took a turn. We all turned over at least once, except Ashlyn. The girls learned that canoes sometimes have a mind of their own. The boys came to our rescue more than once! What gentlemen we have among us!
Tonight, we joined the Ebeneezer Baptist Church for Wednesday Night Bible Study, followed by an ice cream social! The kids were introduced to a new culture and how they do church. We had a great discussion in the car on the way over and God opened our eyes to our own thoughts about how we worship God.
Thank you again for traveling this journey with us! We head back out to Ms. Jones house tomorrow.
Some Prayer Requests:
1. That we would finish well.
2. The temperature would not be as hot as they are expecting.
3. We would make LOTS of progress on our goals.
4. We would be encouraging and inclusive to all of those around us.
Quotes for the day:
"I haaaate canoooooeing"- Ashlyn
"Has anyone ever told you, you look like those models?"- Pastor Carlos Wilson to Danny in front of everyone at the church service.
"Don't go down the rapids without a boat." Danny, Carol and Andi
"I just got attacked by a tree." Clarissa
"Why are you going backwards (in your canoe)?" Berek to Ms. Carol and Ms. Andi
"Danny will you stay with us?"
"NO, he's coming with us to do guy stuff!"
"Are there snakes in here? Do you think this is safe?" Claire about 1000 times