We are headed back to Hattiesburg, Mississippi this summer with a fresh set of troops and a renewed sense of excitement for what God has in store for us. Our team consists of about 22 6th grade- high school students and sponsors. Our trip is scheduled for Sunday, June 27- Saturday, July 3, 2010. God allowed so many bonds to be formed and lessons to be learned last time we can't wait to see what He has in store for us this summer.
Although, we physically went to Hattiesburg, it took our entire church family to get us there and keep us covered in prayer while we were gone. This year is no different, we need you to join our team!
First and foremost if you would join us in preparing our team with prayer. Some prayer requests for now:
1. Kids and leaders would have a heart to serve and minister to all those that we meet in Hattiesburg.
2. Our team would open and accepting of a new culture and ways that they can minister to all of God's people.
3. The weather would be favorable for working and that our team would have great attitudes no matter what the weather.
4.Our team leaders would lead in the example of Christ and we would invest well in our younger team members.
5.Bonds and friendships would be formed that cannot be broken, making our local body even stronger.
Thank you so much for praying and starting on this journey with us! Check back for updates or follow our blog to find out the specific ways that you can help in the coming weeks!